Welcome to Proofreading Services Ireland
Welcome, Fáilte, Bienvenue, Willkommen, Ahlan wa Sahlan, Yokoso, Swagata, Bienvenido, Benvenuto, Tervetuloa, Aloha, Shalom, Dobro Pojalovat, Huan ying, Welkom, Dzien dobry, BemVind(o)(a).
The resources and services of this website are available to anybody who writes anything. Writers strive for perfection in terms of content, presentation and grammar. Authors hoping for publication, students submitting projects, portfolios and dissertations, candidates compiling CVs for job applications, company secretaries signing off on annual accounts, schools and clubs producing anniversary year books, web designers launching a new site, etc., need to avoid basic mistakes related to spelling, grammar or punctuation, that may well annoy the reader and reflect badly on the writer.
Proofreading will eliminate any such errors. Some mistakes can be quite noticeable while others can be quite difficult to spot. The former would impact negatively on the article while the latter may not result in any alarm bell ringing. I remember reading a newspaper article many years ago concerning a contract awarded to a company which had to translate English into Arabic. An oversight meant that the translation was written in the traditional left-to-right direction whereas in Arabic, the direction of words on a page is right-to-left. A challenging job for the proofreader no doubt, as well as an expensive mistake.
Proofreading Services
proofreading.ie will check spellings, grammar and punctuation to ensure correctness, clarity, accuracy and understanding in any written work. Advice on appropriate presentation of work is also available.
We provide academic proofreading. We proofread websites, brochures, press releases and promotional literature.
General pricing guidelines range from €4 per standard manuscript page of approximately 250 words to €30 per hour. Fixed amounts will apply to posters, advertisements, pamphlets, signs, CVs, etc.
About Me
I retired recently after 35 fulfilling and rewarding years in primary education, twelve of which were served as school principal. One of the highlights of my principalship in Scoil Padre Pio, Churchfield in Cork, was when the Google search engine ranked the school’s website in first place for its methodologies on effective teaching, which were compiled for the school plan under the 1998 Education Act. Great credit is due to the excellent staff who achieved this much-coveted grading.
This website is dedicated to the wonderful school community of Scoil Padre Pio. Thanks for the memories.
I look forward to the new challenge and hope that this website is a useful resource for all writers.